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Meta Onsite | E5 [Reject]

Round 1: Phone Screen


  1. Basic calculator: Basic Calculator II
    This was an easier version with only addition and multiplication. Solved it with constant space.

  2. Wordbreak: Word Break
    I used bottom up DP to solve this.

Round 2: Onsite


  1. System Design: Design Facebook messenger. There'd only be messages between individuals, no groups.
    Was able to write the API and design and a few deep dives, but stumbled on a few things. Think this is why I didn’t get an offer.

  2. Behavioral Questions: Standard behavioral questions. Only I remember are:

    • A time you made a mistake
    • Your favorite project
    • Worst co-worker you’ve worked with
      Could have prepared better for this.
  3. Coding 1:

    • Max sum path: Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
      Solved it recursively.
    • Maximum swap: Maximum Swap
      Solved it with n space. I used Java for this question which I feel like was a bad idea. Getting syntax right under pressure was harder than I would have thought.
  4. Coding 2:

    • Maximum number of edges between two nodes in a binary search tree: Specific question not provided.
      Solved recursively.
    • Pick random citizen of a city: Random Pick with Weight
      Solved with n space and used binary search to select the proper city. He asked a follow-up question about using an int rather than a long.
Candidate's Approach
  • For the basic calculator, I implemented a solution that handled only addition and multiplication with constant space.
  • For the word break problem, I utilized a bottom-up dynamic programming approach.
  • In the system design round, I was able to articulate the API and design but faced challenges in some areas.
  • I solved the max sum path recursively and used a space-efficient method for the maximum swap problem.
  • For the random pick problem, I implemented a solution using binary search to optimize the selection process.
Interviewer's Feedback

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