Round 1
- Lowest common ancestor, no modifications Link
- Add strings, similar to this Link but with decimals.
- Specific question not provided.
- Given a grid with only 0 or 1, return if there exists a path from the top left to the bottom right. The 1 is wall and 0 is floor so the path should only go through the 0s in the board. Just bfs.
- Specific question not provided.
- Kind of like this problem Link but not really. Given 2 inputs a current directory and directory command (for cd), give the output directory. Current directory could be like "/", "/a/b", "/a", etc. Command could be "a", "/a", "/../a/./b/..", "../../.././a/b", etc. Just normal cd commands I guess (not too familiar with this)?
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.