Round 1: Online Assessment
- The online assessment consisted of 1 DSA question and 5 MCQs on the basics of CS.
- The DSA question was a greedy string-based problem solved using priority queues.
- The MCQs were standardized across candidates in India for the hiring program.
Candidate's Approach
- Attempted all MCQs and partially solved the DSA question (1 test case did not pass).
Interviewer's Feedback
- Verdict: Selected to next round.
Round 2: Technical Round
- Greedy 2D Grid based Codeforces Problem
- Graph Based Island Problem
- Additional discussions included resume, projects, and CS fundamentals.
Candidate's Approach
- Tackled both DSA questions during the round.
Interviewer's Feedback
- Verdict: Selected to next round.
Round 3: HR Round
- Questions related to experience, interests, and specific areas of interest (e.g., if development was mentioned, questions on MERN/app development were expected).
Candidate's Approach
- Engaged in discussions about personal experiences and interests.
Interviewer's Feedback
- Verdict: Selected for Internship.
- Stipend: 100,000 pm
- Additional Amount: 100,000
- Duration: 12 Weeks
Other Notes:
- Luck plays an important role in the selection process; some candidates may perform well but still not be selected.