Amazon | Loop Interview | SDE-1 (L4 - New Grad) | Bangalore | Jan 2025 Offer | Select ✅
Round 1: Online Assessment
Password Similarity Check: Given two arrays of passwords, determine if each old password can be transformed into a subsequence of the corresponding new password by incrementing specific characters cyclically. Return "YES" or "NO" for each pair.
- Solved within first 10min with 15/15 test cases passed successfully.
Maximize Warehouse Efficiency: Given an array of parcel weights, calculate the maximum efficiency by repeatedly selecting and removing either the first or last parcel in the array. The sum of selected parcels determines the efficiency. Return the maximum possible efficiency.
- This was a bit tricky question, consumed all my time but still I was not able to pass all the test cases. The solution which I provided partially passed 6/15 test cases.
Behavioral: Just follow your heart and scale yourself in the range which they provide to answer these questions.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 2: Technical Round 1
Complete Binary Tree Node Count: Find the total number of nodes in a given complete binary tree efficiently.
Sort String by Frequency: Sort characters in a string in decreasing order of their frequency. If multiple answers exist, return any valid one.
Aggressive Cows (Max Distance): Place
cows in stalls to maximize the minimum distance between any two cows. -
Directed Graph Edge Score: Find the node with the highest edge score in a directed graph. If there's a tie, return the smallest indexed node.
Note: All the questions were not direct, instead it was in a form of word problems.
Candidate's Approach
- Started with brute-force approach for the Complete Binary Tree Node Count and later provided the optimized approach.
- Directly provided the optimized solution for Sort String by Frequency.
- For Aggressive Cows, provided the optimized solution without coding.
- For Directed Graph Edge Score, started with brute-force and later provided the optimized approach.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 3: Technical Round 2
Most Played Songs: Create a playlist of the most frequently played songs for a user based on the play count.
Longest Repeating Substring: Find the longest duplicated substring in a given string. If no such substring exists, return an empty string.
Candidate's Approach
- Provided the optimized solution for Most Played Songs but was asked for more approaches in linear space.
- For Longest Repeating Substring, provided the optimized approach and managed to code the solution in time.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 4: Bar Raiser Round
How did you take up or lead something which is out of your daily scope of work?
How did you overcome a situation where you have been given a negative feedback?
Where/How do you start learning which is something new to you?
Candidate's Approach
- Provided a real-life example for the first question and received good feedback.
- Struggled with the second question but managed to provide a better scenario after initial confusion.
- Related to a real-life scenario for the third question and provided examples.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.