Online Assessment
- Two DSA questions (LC - Medium)
- Virtual office case scenario questions.
- Leadership principles questions.
Candidate's Approach
Solved both DSA problems and felt confident about the other questions as well.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Interview Round 1 | DSA Round
- Two DSA questions (1 LC - Medium, 1 LC - Hard)
- Some Leadership Principles (LP) questions.
Candidate's Approach
The round went well; the interviewers were calm and interactive. I was able to solve both questions within time, using an optimal approach and explaining them properly. I also narrated some incidents from my past experiences for the LP questions.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Interview Round 2 | LLD Round
- One LLD question based on LFU cache.
Candidate's Approach
This round was challenging. I was asked to replicate a popular cache design as an end-to-end product, implementing various eviction policies and DTO mappers for operational interfaces. I figured out the logic and explained the working, but due to time constraints, I could only implement a barebone design. The interviewer seemed satisfied with the logic but I was disappointed that the design wasn't fully implemented.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Interview Round 3 | Bar Raiser
- Discussion on the project and related research paper from the current job.
- Various LP questions.
Candidate's Approach
The interviewer was very senior and interactive, making me comfortable. I was grilled on my current project and the related research paper, which was challenging as I had to explain and answer in-depth. The LP questions were tailored to draw conclusions based on my current job and work.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Verdict: Got a call from the recruiter a week later with an offer.