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Squarepoint Capital Interview Experience || IIT BHU

Round 1


  1. Give a feature that is not there in C++14 but is there in C++17.
  2. Explain the implementation of map data structure using balanced binary search tree (AVL tree) and how rotations happen. Write the pseudo code.
  3. Deep questions on C++ and OS:
    • Difference between semaphore and locks
    • What is race condition?
    • Critical section
    • Different types of casting in C++ (static, dynamic, reinterpret)
    • Lifecycle of a program and memory allocation for static and dynamic variables
  4. DSA question: Given currency exchange rates, find the best path of conversion between two currencies.
Candidate's Approach
  • For the currency exchange problem, I boiled it down to a graph problem using Dijkstra's algorithm. I wrote design-level code using proper classes and OOP concepts.
Interviewer's Feedback
  • The interviewer was convinced with my approach to the DSA question and my explanations on C++ and OS concepts.

Round 2


  1. Discuss your internship project in detail.
  2. Basic to intermediate questions on Python:
    • List comprehension
    • Generators
    • Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
  3. DSA questions:
    • Priority Queue problem
    • Digit Dynamic Programming (DigitDP) problem
Candidate's Approach
  • I provided detailed explanations and code for the Python questions and successfully solved both DSA questions, passing all test cases.
Interviewer's Feedback
  • The interviewer was satisfied with my performance and understanding of the topics discussed.

Round 3


  1. Debug a code related to maintaining critical sections without encountering deadlock.
  2. Implement a stock buy order and sell order matching design problem.
Candidate's Approach
  • I optimized the critical section code by implementing a condition variable, which reduced the runtime significantly. However, while implementing the stock order matching, I made a mistake by deleting an element while iterating, which led to negative feedback.
Interviewer's Feedback
  • The interviewer was happy with the optimization I made but provided negative feedback due to the mistake made during the stock order matching implementation.

Verdict: Not Selected ---> But eventually got an offer from Microsoft in DAY0. Will be posting the experience for that shortly!

TIPS: Be patient as the interview will be rigorous. Take a deep dive into C++ end to end from GFG or LearnCPP. Have a firm grip on OS and CN.