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Amazon | Phone Screen | Job Submission and Selection

Round 1

Questions: You are tasked with managing a set of jobs, each identified by a string ID and associated with a weight. Implement a system where you can submit jobs and select the job with the maximum weight. If a job with the same ID already exists, you should sum up its weight with the new weight provided.

Implement the following two methods:

1. submit(String jobID, int weight)

2. select()


# Example 1 submit("A", 2) submit("B", 6) submit("C", 3) submit("D", 4) submit("A", 3) select() # Returns "B" select() # Returns "A" select() # Returns "D" submit("A", 2) select() # Returns "C" select() # Returns "A" select() # Returns null # Example 2 submit("X", 10) # Adds job "X" with weight 10 submit("Y", 5) # Adds job "Y" with weight 5 submit("Z", 7) # Adds job "Z" with weight 7 submit("X", 4) # Updates job "X" by adding weight 4 (total weight of X = 14) submit("Y", 10) # Updates job "Y" by adding weight 10 (total weight of Y = 15) submit("Z", 7) # Updates job "Z" by adding weight 2 (total weight of Z = 14) select() # Returns "Y" weight is 15 select() # Returns "X" weight is 14 and was added first select() # Returns "Z" weight is 14 select() # Returns null select() # Returns null

Boilerplate Java Code with Class Job and Solution Class JobSolution

import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; class Job { String jobID; int weight; Job(String jobID, int weight) { this.jobID = jobID; this.weight = weight; } } class JobSolution { // Submit a job with the given ID and weight. public void submit(String jobID, int weight) { // Implement this method } // Select the job with the highest weight. public String select() { // Implement this method return null; } }
Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

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Round 2

Questions: Convert String to Integer given very basic constraints that it will fit in the Integer boundaries. Could have negative numbers too. Cannot use existing Parser like Integer.Parse(int).

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

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