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Google L5 | Onsite Interview Experience | Chances

Round 1: Coding Round 1

Questions: I was given a LeetCode hard style question related to segment tree and priorityQueue.

Specific question not provided.

Candidate's Approach
  • I attempted to solve the problem using my own approach without realizing it was a segment tree question.
  • I managed to solve it with optimal time and space complexity.
  • Followed clean coding practices with good method and variable names.
  • Provided correct time and space complexity analysis.
Interviewer's Feedback

The recruiter communicated that the feedback for this round was positive.

Round 2: Coding Round 2

Questions: I was given a very vague question related to n-ary tree where almost none of the requirements/edge cases were clear. I had to extract all the information from the interviewer.

Specific question not provided.

Candidate's Approach
  • I asked numerous clarifying questions and was able to solve almost 95% of the problem optimally.
  • Covered all requirements and edge cases except one, which the interviewer pointed out with 5 minutes left.
  • I provided the optimal approach verbally and the right data structure to fix the missed case, which seemed to satisfy the interviewer.
Interviewer's Feedback

Feedback for this round is yet to be heard.

Round 3: Coding Round 3

Questions: I was asked to implement a very uncommon algorithm related to tree structures, similar to Huffman encoding/decoding.

Specific question not provided.

Candidate's Approach
  • I used the right approach of BFS and min-heap and provided correct time and space complexity.
  • I managed to solve about 70-80% of the problem.
  • Encountered difficulties with the implementation of placing child nodes in the correct order and ran out of time.
Interviewer's Feedback

Feedback for this round is yet to be heard.

Additional Notes