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Goldman Sachs | Analyst | Bengaluru

HackerRank Assessment


  1. One easy, one medium LeetCode question.

Round 1 - CoderPad Interview


  1. Given integer array of size n and startIndex. arr[i] >= 0. Starting from arr[startIndex], follow each element to the index it points to. If there is a cycle return its length, otherwise return -1.
  2. Given a M x N matrix, you start with bottom-left cell and should end at top-right corner of matrix, each cell has some coins, return the maximum no. of coins possible to collect.
Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.



  1. DSA
  2. Software Engineering Practices
  3. Software Design and Architecture
  4. Hiring Manager Round

Round 1 : DSA


  1. Candy - Couldn't finish coding.
  2. Coin Change II - Finished recursive solution with memoization, couldn't complete the optimized iterative DP.
Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

Suggestions: Practice consistently, don't lose touch with DSA problems. All the best!

Result: Didn't proceed to next rounds.