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December 2024 Interview Archive | LinkedIn | Walmart | Simplotel | IBS softwares

Linked In Phone Screen Round (Rejected)


Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

IBS Software solutions hiring drive F2F (Rejected)

Round 1 -

Round 2 -

Question: - Given a String array with cities name, return a collection with city name and the count of repeated characters, the city names must be in sorted order. Input: - ["Mumbai", "Chennai", "Bangalore"] Output: - {"Bangalore" : {'a' : 2}, "Chennai" : {'n':2}, "Mumbai" : {'m':2}}

Self review:

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Walmart (Rejected)

Round 1 -

  1. Introduction
  2. Coding Question 1: LeetCode - Merge Intervals
  3. Coding Question 2: LeetCode - 3Sum
  4. Verdict - cleared

Round 2 - LLD round

My intuition based on other interview experiences read from LeetCode, I was under the impression that Java + Springboot + LLD would be asked, but it was totally different as the interviewer straightly asked me to design a cache.

We have to do low level design for a Cache System. The cache that we will design will have to support the following operations: PUT: This will allow the user to put a value against a key in the cache. GET: This will allow the user to get the previously saved value using the key. Eviction: Cache should also support removal of some key in case the cache is full and we try to add a new key-value. Expectations: - Code should be functionally correct. - Code should be modular and readable. Clean and professional code. - Code should be extensible and scalable. It should be able to accommodate new requirements with minimal changes. - Code should have good OOP design.

It was my first LLD round but I was too nervous and also had less experience with caches, which eventually affected my performance in the interview. I was unable to come up with a good design as I had not worked or studied the design of caches. We had some discussions around my approach which was using a Map<Key, Value>, and I received a rejection email in 2 days.

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Simplotel (Ghosted 👻)

Round 1 - Introductory Round

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

That marks the end of the year. The only thing I can think of is that I am not deserving it right now. This disappointment comes from hope. So let's try not to hope anything and keep working on it.

Bye 2024, let's see how your successor does the magic...