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LinkedIn - Software Engineer - Reject

PreScreening Round


Candidate's Approach

Was able to solve both the questions.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Coding Round 1


Candidate's Approach

Provided the indegree and outdegree approach for the Celebrity Problem but did not meet the interviewer's expectations for the O(1) space solution. Was able to provide the approach for the Game Theory question.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Coding Round 2


Candidate's Approach

Successfully coded the most optimal approach for the Word Break problem and provided the approach for the Heap based question, which seemed to satisfy the interviewer.

Interviewer's Feedback

Interviewer verdict was No Hire, which was surprising to the candidate.

Design Round


Candidate's Approach

Demonstrated a good understanding of DynamoDB internals and provided a reasonable solution.

Interviewer's Feedback

Interviewer verdict was Hire.

HM Round


Candidate's Approach

Provided an approach to the task scenario, and the interviewer looked satisfied.

Interviewer's Feedback

Interviewer verdict was Hire.

Additional Notes

Heard back from the recruiter after around 1.5 months that the feedback for both Coding 1 and Coding 2 rounds were negative.


  1. While practicing DSA, make sure to convey your thought process clearly to others.
  2. Do mock interviews if you have issues with nerves.
  3. Don't just practice standard questions if you have solved them before; it creates a habit of skipping the dry runs and thought-building process.