Phone Screening Round
Questions: Specific question not provided. However, it was an array question similar to this one: Leetcode Discussion.
Candidate's Approach
Was able to solve the question with an optimal solution.
Interviewer's Feedback
Received positive feedback from HR indicating that this round was successful.
Round 1
Questions: You are given an input string, for example
add(5, mul(2, pow(5,2)))
You have to evaluate the string. This is just a plain string.
add - addition, mul - multiplication, pow - power, sub - subtraction, div - division
Candidate's Approach
I was able to come up with an approach, but could only code half of the solution due to time constraints.
Interviewer's Feedback
The feedback was not very positive.
Round 2
Questions: Create 2 functions:
- Function 1:
InsertRange(int start, int end)
This function takes two arguments, start and end integers. When this function is called, it creates intervals with starting and ending points, where start is inclusive but end is exclusive.
- Function 2:
Query(int point)
This function takes an integer as input and returns a boolean indicating if the particular point is present in the created interval using the above function.
Example: Insert:
[2, 3) [2, 5) [9, 13)
Final interval becomes {[2,5), [9, 13)}
0 - false 2 - true 10 - true
Candidate's Approach
I was able to solve and code the solution within the time limit and handled follow-up questions as well. Guessing Strong Hire for this one.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
G&L Round
Questions: General Behavioral questions.
Candidate's Approach
Guessing I got Hire or Strong Hire for this round.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 3 (Rescheduled)
Questions: This is a DP question. You have to find the length of the longest subsequence, but with a tweak in the question.
Candidate's Approach
I was able to solve and code the solution within the time limit and also solved the follow-up question. Guessing a Strong Hire.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.