Round 1
Questions: *A conveyor belt at a recycling plant contains a sequence of bottles represented by the string: 'a' represents aluminum cans, 'b' represents glass bottles, and 'c' represents plastic containers. The plant needs to collect at least k items of each type ('a', 'b', and 'c') for a complete recycling process.
Each minute, a worker can pick up either the leftmost or the rightmost item from the conveyor belt.
Determine the minimum number of minutes required for the worker to collect at least k items of each type.
If it is impossible to collect k items of each type, return -1.
Input: A string conveyorbelt representing the sequence of bottles on the conveyor belt. An integer k representing the minimum number of items of each type needed.
Output: Return the minimum number of minutes required, or -1 if it is impossible.
Input: Conveyor belt = "aabaaacaabc", k = 2
Output: 8*
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