Round 1: Coding Interview 1
Questions: Both coding interviews had Leetcode top 100 questions from the last 30 days, focusing on:
- Graph
- Sliding Window
- Dynamic Programming (interviewer only expected recursive solution)
All questions were Leetcode medium level.
Candidate's Approach
- Gave optimal answers for all questions.
- Discussed the approach before coding, including time complexity (tc) and space complexity (sc).
- Walked through examples to illustrate the solutions.
- No bugs were encountered during coding.
Interviewer's Feedback
- One interviewer mentioned that the candidate did very well.
Round 2: Coding Interview 2
Questions: Both coding interviews had Leetcode top 100 questions from the last 30 days, focusing on:
- Graph
- Sliding Window
- Dynamic Programming (interviewer only expected recursive solution)
All questions were Leetcode medium level.
Candidate's Approach
- Gave optimal answers for all questions.
- Discussed the approach before coding, including time complexity (tc) and space complexity (sc).
- Walked through examples to illustrate the solutions.
- No bugs were encountered during coding.
Interviewer's Feedback
- One interviewer mentioned that the candidate did very well.
Round 3: Behavioral Interview
Questions: The behavioral interview was very standard and went in-depth for a few questions.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.