Online Assessment
- Multiple choice questions about Linux commands and OS concepts.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Coding Round
- Matching open-close brackets in a string. #20
- Given two CSV files with the same primary key column, compute a new variable for each row based on a column from each file, and print the rows in decreasing order of this new variable.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Systems Round
- What happens when a user searches for a website (e.g.,
- Questions about HTTP(S) security, TCP handshake, DNS resolution.
- What happens on the web server side when a user makes a request?
- Discuss heavy load on a single web server, load balancing, scaling, distributed system concepts, 400 and 500 errors, troubleshooting those errors, and synchronization of data in web servers.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Preparation Tips
- Learn syntaxes of file manipulation for the coding round.
- Study OS and Linux troubleshooting methods.
- Understand networking and distributed systems concepts for the systems round.
All the best!