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1368. Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a Grid

Round 1

Questions: Specific question not provided.

Candidate's Approach
  1. Directions Mapping: Map each grid cell's direction (1 to 4) to the respective moves: right, left, down, up.
  2. Priority Queue (Min-Heap): Use a priority queue to track (cost, x, y) where cost is the cost to reach (x, y).
  3. Breadth-First Search (BFS): Start from (0, 0) with cost 0.
    • For each cell, try all four possible moves:
      • Move in the grid's indicated direction at no extra cost.
      • Move in other directions with a cost of 1.
    • Push the new states into the priority queue.
  4. Termination: Stop when the bottom-right cell (m-1, n-1) is reached, returning the accumulated cost.

The priority queue ensures that the least costly path is explored first. If a move aligns with the grid’s direction, it incurs zero cost; otherwise, it costs 1 to change direction. The BFS continues until reaching the destination (m-1, n-1), ensuring the minimum cost path is found efficiently.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.