Round 1
Questions: An water management system in made such that n tanks are connected linearly. The goodness of the i ^th tank is given by goodness[i]. The system goodness of a contiguous segment of tanks (i.e., a subsegment) is defined as the product of the number of tanks and the maximum goodness of the tanks in the segment.
Given the array goodness
, find the sum of the system goodness of all the segments of the tanks. Since the answer can be large, report it modulo ( 10^9 + 7 ).
n = 3 goodness = [3, 2, 3]
Function Description
Complete the function getSystemGoodnessSum
in the editor below.
getSystemGoodnessSum takes the following arguments:
int goodness[n]
: the goodness of the tanks
: the sum of system goodness over all the subsegments of tanks, modulo ( 10^9 + 7 ).
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
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