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Uber USA Onsite Technical Problems

Round 1


Question 1: Ad Event ingestion

You are given a class called AdEvent, which contains attributes of uuid (id for ad), timestamp (represented in YYYY-MM-DD format), but you can make it some integer value for easier testing, and event_type (either impression or click).

Write the following functions:

1: impressions - 5, clicks - 5 2: impressions - 10, clicks - 2 3: impressions - 15, clicks - 20, ....

Follow Ups

Question 2: Evaluator

You are given the following input:

For each query, compute the result. If unable to, return -1. Return a list of the results of the queries.

Note that this question is apparently this problem on leetcode:

Follow Ups

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.