Round 1
You are given a string s = "31415926535 8979323846264338327" and a list of words: ["314", "15926535 89", "79323846264", "338327", "7932", "3846264", "338327"]. Your task is to partition the string s into substrings such that: Each substring is present in the given list of words. The number of partitions (substrings) is minimized.
I was not able to solve this question.
Time-Based Key-Value Store The second question was easy, able to solve it, but the interviewer did not like my approach.
class TimeMap { public: unordered_map<string,vector<pair<string,int>>> umap; TimeMap() { } void set(string key, string value, int timestamp) { if(umap.find(key)!=umap.end()){ //already exist in map umap[key].push_back({value,timestamp}); return; } umap[key].push_back({value,timestamp}); return; } string search_val(vector<pair<string,int>> &v, int timestamp){ int n=v.size(); int i=0; int j=n-1; if(timestamp<v[0].second) return ""; string ans=""; while(i<=j){ int mid=i+(j-i)/2; if(v[mid].second==timestamp) return v[mid].first; else if(v[mid].second<timestamp){ ans=v[mid].first; i=mid+1; } else{ j=mid-1; } } return ans; } string get(string key, int timestamp) { if(umap.find(key)==umap.end()) return ""; return search_val(umap[key],timestamp); } }; /** * Your TimeMap object will be instantiated and called as such: * TimeMap* obj = new TimeMap(); * obj->set(key,value,timestamp); * string param_2 = obj->get(key,timestamp); */
Candidate's Approach
I was unable to solve the first question regarding partitioning the string. For the second question, I implemented a class TimeMap
that uses an unordered map to store key-value pairs along with their timestamps. I used a binary search approach to retrieve the most recent value for a given key at a specific timestamp. However, the interviewer did not like my approach.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.