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Flipkart | SDE - 2 | Machine Coding

Round 1

Questions: You are required to build an application that lets patients connect to doctors and book appointments. The day is divided into time slots of 30 mins each, starting from 9 am to 9 pm. Doctors can login to the portal and declare their availability for the given day in terms of slots. Patients can login and book appointments/ cancel existing appointments.

Functionalities required:

Bonus functionality:


i: input o: output i: registerDoc -> Curious-> Cardiologist o: Welcome Dr. Curious !! i: markDocAvail: Curious 9:30-10:30 o: Sorry Dr. Curious slots are 30 mins only i: markDocAvail: Curious 9:30-10:00, 12:30-13:00, 16:00-16:30 o: Done Doc! i:registerDoc -> Dreadful-> Dermatologist o: Welcome Dr. Dreadful !! i: markDocAvail: Dreadful 10:30-11:00, 13:30-14:00, 17:00-17:30 o: Done Doc! i: showAvailByspeciality: Cardiologist o: Dr.Curious: (9:30-10:00) o: Dr.Curious: (12:30-13:00) o: Dr.Curious: (16:00-16:30) i: bookAppointment: (PatientA, Dr.Curious, 12:30) o: Booked. Booking id: 1234 i:showAvailByspeciality: Cardiologist o: Dr.Curious: (10:30-11:00) o: Dr.Curious: (17:00-17:30) I: cancelBookingId: 1234 O: Booking Cancelled i: showAvailByspeciality: Cardiologist o: Dr.Curious: (9:30-10:00) o: Dr.Curious: (12:30-13:00) o: Dr.Curious: (16:00-16:30) i: bookAppointment: (PatientB, Dr.Curious, 12:30) o: Booked. Booking id: 5678 i:registerDoc -> Daring-> Dermatologist o: Welcome Dr. Daring !! i: markDocAvail: Daring 11:30-12:00 14:00-14:30 o: Done Doc! i: showAvailByspeciality: Dermatologist o: Dr.Dreadful: (9:30-10:00) o: Dr.Daring: (11:30-12:00) o: Dr.Dreadful: (12:30-13:00) o: Dr.Daring:(14:00-14:30) o: Dr.Dreadful: (16:00-16:30)
Candidate's Approach

The candidate approached the problem by first outlining the core functionalities required for the application. They designed a class structure to represent Doctors, Patients, and Appointments, ensuring that each class encapsulated relevant data and behaviors. The candidate implemented methods for registering doctors, marking availability, booking appointments, and managing the waitlist. They focused on maintaining a clear separation of concerns and modularity in the code to facilitate future extensions, such as adding more ranking strategies for displaying available slots.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer appreciated the candidate's structured approach to the problem and their emphasis on modularity and clean code. They suggested that the candidate could further enhance the application by considering edge cases, such as handling simultaneous booking requests and ensuring thread safety if the application were to be scaled. Overall, the candidate demonstrated a solid understanding of the requirements and provided a functional solution.