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Goldman Sachs| Analyst | Bangalore

Round 1: Hackerrank Test

Questions: Two easy-medium LeetCode questions. Specific question not provided.

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2: CodePair


  1. Given an input string, if a substring has already occurred, put a * in the place of it.

    • Example Input: ABCABEABE
    • Example Output: ABC* E *
  2. Given a matrix of n * m, a robot is located initially at the bottom left corner, each box has some value and the robot can only move in north and east direction. Find the optimal path.

Candidate's Approach
  • For Question 1, the candidate took more than 40 minutes to solve it, and despite the interviewer's help, one test case did not pass.
  • For Question 2, the candidate solved it in 10 minutes with all test cases passed.
  • The candidate felt blank during the interview and struggled with the first question, leading to concerns about not passing all test cases.
Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.