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Oracle Interview Experience for Java Developer

Round 1: OA


  1. Longest substring without repeating character.
  2. REST API call (Need to make a call to given URI with Java code and fetch the JSON and work with it).
Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2: F2F Interview (duration 1hr)


  1. Print all subsets with a given sum.
  2. Exceptional hierarchy.
  3. Questions on strings, find output from code snippets, string intern method.
  4. Final vs Finally vs Finalize.
  5. Can we use try block without catch block?
Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 3: F2F (duration 1hr)


  1. Given two linked lists, each representing two numbers. Return the linked list having the sum of those two numbers.
  2. Find nth highest employee salary from database table.
  3. Suppose you have a list of employees. Find the name of the employee having Nth highest salary.
  4. What is AJAX in front end?
  5. You are given an array of integers. Find all the leaders in order that appear in the array. A leader is an element which is greater than all its right elements.
Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 4: F2F (duration 1.5 hr)


  1. Explain all OOP concepts with practical examples in your project.
  2. Explain SOLID principles with practical examples in your project.
  3. Exceptional hierarchy in detail. Error vs Exception, Checked vs Unchecked.
  4. Given two arrays which contain names and cities of the employees (names[], cities[]). Sort those arrays based on names; if names are equal, then based on city.
  5. Given an array of integers. Print the elements of the array in the order first_highest, first_smallest, second_highest, second_smallest, and so on.
  6. Steps involved from request to response.
Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 5: F2F (duration 2hrs)


  1. Explain and write code for each design pattern that you worked with in the project.
  2. Exceptional hierarchy.
  3. Questions on code snippets, constructors, serialization, deserialization in depth, String vs StringBuffer vs StringBuilder, Functional interfaces, marker interfaces.
  4. String pooling, String concatenation.
  5. Given a 3-digit integer. Find the combination of digits that sum to a given value.
  6. Few questions on the project.
  7. Memory management.
  8. Abstract classes, interfaces in-depth questions.
  9. Projects always matter. Most of the practical knowledge comes from projects and that will be tested in every company.
Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Verdict: Selected (got a call after 3 days).

Previous Experience:

Oracle offered: