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Cisco | OA| 3 questions

Round 1


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    • Complete the balance_water function below.
    • The function is expected to return an INTEGER.
    • The function accepts INTEGER_ARRAY elements as parameter.
    #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; string ltrim(const string &); string rtrim(const string &); struct State { vector<int> jugs; int steps; }; bool is_goal_state(const vector<int>& state, const vector<int>& goal) { return state == goal; } string state_to_string(const vector<int>& state) { stringstream ss; for (int val : state) { ss << val << ","; } return ss.str(); } int balance_water(vector<int> elements) { vector<int> capacities(elements.begin(), elements.begin() + 4); vector<int> initial(elements.begin() + 4, elements.begin() + 8); vector<int> goal(elements.begin() + 8, elements.end()); if (is_goal_state(initial, goal)) { return 0; } queue<State> q; unordered_set<string> visited; q.push({initial, 0}); visited.insert(state_to_string(initial)); while (!q.empty()) { State current = q.front(); q.pop(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { if (i != j && current.jugs[i] > 0 && current.jugs[j] < capacities[j]) { int transfer = min(current.jugs[i], capacities[j] - current.jugs[j]); vector<int> next_jugs = current.jugs; next_jugs[i] -= transfer; next_jugs[j] += transfer; string next_state_str = state_to_string(next_jugs); if (is_goal_state(next_jugs, goal)) { return current.steps + 1; } if (visited.find(next_state_str) == visited.end()) { q.push({next_jugs, current.steps + 1}); visited.insert(next_state_str); } } } } } return -1; }
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    • Complete the find_max_elements function below.
    • The function is expected to return an INTEGER.
    • The function accepts INTEGER_ARRAY array as parameter.
    #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; string ltrim(const string &); string rtrim(const string &); int find_max_elements(vector<int> arr) { int target = arr[0]; // The target sum vector<int> elements(arr.begin() + 1, arr.end()); // The elements of the array int n = elements.size(); int max_elements = 0; // Iterate through all possible subsets using bit manipulation for (int i = 0; i < (1 << n); ++i) { int sum = 0; int count = 0; for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { if (i & (1 << j)) { sum += elements[j]; count++; } } if (sum == target) { max_elements = max(max_elements, count); } } return max_elements; }
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