Round 1
In Amazon's massive warehouse inventory, there are n different types of products. You are given an array products of size n, where products[i] represents the number of items of product type i (where i ranges from 0 to n-1). These products need to be packed into batches for shipment.
Batch Packing Conditions:
- Distinct Product Types per Batch:
- No two items in the same batch can be of the same product type.
- (In other words, each batch must consist of distinct types of products.)
- Increasing Batch Size:
- The number of items packed in the current batch must be strictly greater than the number of items packed in the previous batch.
Additional Notes:
- Each item can be packed only once.
- Not every item in the inventory is required to be packed into a batch.
- Your task is to determine the maximum number of batches that can be prepared for shipment, adhering to the above constraints.
Input Details: The product types are numbered from 0 to n-1. The array products[i] gives the number of items of product type i for each product type.
Example: Input:
n = 5 products = [2, 3, 1, 4, 2]
Result: Maximum number of batches = 4.
Follow-up Question
Specific question not provided.
Candidate's Approach
The candidate solved the second problem and passed all tests. For the first problem, they encountered an issue where they defined a prefix array of the wrong size and needed to increment it by 1, which caused them to fail 3 test cases.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.