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Amazon | System Dev Engr I (1+ YOE) | OA round

Round 1


Question 1: Valid database ids kind of (easy/medium)

This question basically said there will be given 'n' strings in an array, we need to validate whether the sequence is a valid database ids' sequence or not. For example: ["0001....73", "0005...d8", "0002...7c", ...]. Basically the validation consisted of the following steps checking:

Question 2: Valid data parsing (easy/medium)

Given a list of strings of format like this: [ "{ "container_id": "43dde3....", "status_log": "Success" }", "{ "container_id": "4872dd......", "status_log": "Fail" }", "{ "container_id": "7d3453......", "status_log": "dkvhidshbitri" }" ] We have to return an array like this [successCount, failureCount, invalidCount]. So, basically status_log would define success or fail, and if anything, any data-parsing error comes in any particular string, which is not of the proper formats, we need to take in out invalidCount. Also, we need to take care of the following validations gracefully:

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

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