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Rippling OA | Question | Need Advice

Round 1

Questions: Implement an encryption algorithm to encrypt the string originalString per the following:

Initialize two empty strings: temporaryString and encryptedString.

At each step, perform one of the following two operations. Choose the order of operations to produce the lexicographically minimum possible encryptedString.

  1. Take the first letter from originalString and append it to the end of temporaryString.
  2. Take the last letter from temporaryString and append it to the end of the encryptedString.


Candidate's Approach

I pushed all characters in a multiset and started iterating over the originalString. If originalChar[i] <= current char in multiset, I append it to my encryptedString and move the iterator next (of multiset). If temporaryString is not empty and its last character <= current char in multiset, I append it to my encryptedString and move the iterator next (of multiset). This second operation is done in a loop until the last char of temporaryString is greater than the current iterator. Otherwise, I append it to temporaryString. At the end, if any characters are remaining in temporaryString, I append those chars starting from the end.

My code passed 7/15 test cases for this question.

Interviewer's Feedback

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