684. Redundant Connection :- Detecting and Removing the Redundant Edge in a Tree Using Union-Find
Round 1
Questions: Specific question not provided.
Follow-up Question
- Can you explain the Union-Find approach in detail?
Candidate's Approach
- The candidate explained the problem as detecting and removing a redundant edge in a tree structure using the Union-Find algorithm.
- They outlined the steps involved in the approach:
- Problem Understanding: Recognized that the initial graph was a tree and that adding one edge created a cycle.
- Observations: Noted that a tree with n nodes has exactly n-1 edges, and since there are n edges in the input, one must be forming a cycle.
- Union-Find Approach:
- Initialized parent and rank arrays for the nodes.
- Implemented
functions to manage the sets of nodes and detect cycles. - Processed each edge and returned the redundant edge when a cycle was detected.
Interviewer's Feedback
- No feedback provided.