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Amazon | SDE 1 Freshers - India | Interview Experience

Application and Online Assessment (OA)


  1. First Question: Amazon Prime Games is designing a game. The player needs to pass n rounds sequentially in this game. Rules of play are as follows:

    • The player loses power[i] health to complete round i.
    • The player's health must be greater than 0 at all times.
    • The player can choose to use armor in any one round. The armor will prevent damage of min(armor, power).

    Determine the minimum starting health for a player to win the game.

  2. Second Question: Implement LinkedList operations: push_front, push_back, and pop_front.

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 1: DSA Only (60 mins)(16th January 2025)


  1. First Question: Similar to -

    • Discussed the Dynamic Programming approach.
    • Explained the dry run to validate my logic.
    • Coded the solution and explained Time and Space Complexity.
  2. Second Question:

    • First discussed the naive approach, then improved it using Backtracking.
    • Did a dry run before coding.
    • Explained Time and Space Complexity after coding.
Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer was satisfied with the candidate's explanations and coding.

Round 2: Machine Coding + LP (60 mins)(23rd January 2025)


Leadership Principles Questions:

  1. Describe a situation where you showed ownership.
  2. Describe a situation where you had to deliver a task under a tight deadline. What challenges did you face, and how did you resolve them?
Candidate's Approach

Started by defining classes and functionalities for the Snake and Ladder Game. Discussed corner cases and implemented the required changes based on the interviewer's guidance.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer guided the candidate through structuring the code efficiently.

Round 3: Bar Raiser (60 mins)(31st January 2025)


Leadership Principles Questions:

  1. Tell me about a situation where you were assigned a critical task. Why was it critical, and how did you solve the challenges faced?
  2. Describe a time when you had to do a task from complete scratch. What approach did you take, and how did you accomplish it?
  3. How do you handle deadlines? Have you ever missed one? If so, how did you manage the situation?
Candidate's Approach

The candidate felt exhausted by the end of the round after being probed deeply into their answers, fumbling in two to three places.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Final Status

I am currently waiting for the results and hoping for the best!