Round 1
Question 1:
You're an usher at a theater, responsible for seating guests.
Given a row of seats represented as an array, where 1 indicates an occupied seat and 0 indicates an empty seat, determine whether you can seat a given number of people under the condition that no one wants to sit next to another person.
Implement a function that takes the seat arrangement and the number of people to be seated and returns whether it's possible to accommodate them.
Question 2:
A tournament tree is a binary tree where each parent node holds the minimum value of its two children.
Given such a tree, find the second minimum value.
- Each node has either two children or none.
- Leaf nodes have distinct and unique values.
Implement a function to determine the second smallest value in the tree.
Candidate's Approach
I solved both problems within an hour, taking a small hint for the second one.
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