Round 1
A town is building a watchtower. The watchtower is located at (0, 0). Each unit height of the watchtower has a cost H. There are N houses located at (x, y) coordinates. Each house will pay cost C if it comes under the surveillance of the watchtower. The horizontal distance covered by the watchtower is the same as its height. Find out the max profit you can make.
- N number of houses
- list of (x, y) coordinates
- H cost to build unit height
- C cost each house pays the watchtower
In the beginning, the watchtower was located at the origin. For the follow-up, he said the watchtower location will be provided. The (x, y) coordinates can be floats as well as H and C.
Given two strings s1 and s2, find out if they only differ by the insertion of a phrase.
- The boy goes to the hospital
- The cute little boy goes to the hospital
'little boy' is the added phrase everything else is the same so return True
- The boy is nice.
- The girl is nice.
-> Return False
Candidate's Approach
For the first question, I was able to solve it in approximately 15 minutes. I understood the approach quickly. For the second question, I could only come up with the approach but didn't have enough time to write the code before the interview ended.
Interviewer's Feedback
The interviewer mentioned that he only had one question prepared and asked if I wanted to solve another one after I completed the first question.