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Rippling | SDE-1 | Interview Experience | On-Campus | Dec 2024 [Offer]

Online Assessment


  1. Longest Path between any two nodes in an undirected graph.
  2. Sliding Window + Binary Search question.

The level of questions was Medium.

Round 1 (1hr): DSA Round


  1. Perform some string manipulation, which was reduced to a directed graph problem requiring a DFS traversal.
  2. Follow-up question similar to finding the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) of given two nodes (LC 236).
Candidate's Approach

The candidate performed string manipulation and transitioned to a DFS traversal for the directed graph problem. For the LCA question, they applied relevant concepts but did not provide specific details on the approach.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2 (1.5hr): DSA Round


  1. Given a string of valid bracket sequence, find the longest depth of opening brackets (LC 1614).
  2. Implementation-heavy question related to merging intervals (LC 56).
  3. Given a sequence of characters and brackets, find the longest valid sequence that has a valid bracket sequence (LC 32).
Candidate's Approach

The candidate found the longest depth of opening brackets and proposed an approach for merging intervals. They struggled to relate the second question to the first and had difficulty coding the third question due to time constraints but explained their approach satisfactorily.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 3 (1hr): Hiring Manager Round


  1. Why did you use MySQL?
  2. Differentiate Primary Key and Foreign Key.
  3. Explain different Normal Forms.
  4. OOP concepts.
  5. What optimizations can be done on the projects, and what was the most challenging part of the project?
  6. Describe your intern project and your approach to the problem statement.
  7. General questions about group projects, conflict resolution, and future aspirations.
Candidate's Approach

The candidate discussed their projects and internships, explaining their choices and approaches to problem statements. They were prepared for questions about optimization and teamwork.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Some Tips:

  1. Make sure to ask clarifying questions.
  2. State the Time and Space complexity after your approach.
  3. If you are stuck, do ask the interviewer for hints.
  4. Start with the brute force approach and then try optimizing it.
  5. When asked "Any Questions for me?", inquire about company culture, work, tech stack, etc.
  6. Trust the process; rejections may happen, but persistence is key.

Cheers and Good Luck!!