Round 1
- Types of wait in selenium, explain in detail and where to use which one?
- How to handle dropdowns?
- What is an actions class and action interface?
- OOPS concepts?
- Can we take screenshot in selenium? If yes, How?
- What are assertions?
- TestNg Annotation?
- Difference and similarities between TestNg and JUNIT.
- Write a code to swap two numbers without using third variable.
- Write a code to verify if string is palindrome or not? -- run and show output.
- What is pagefactory?
- What are dataProviders in TestNg?
- Explain STLC cycle in current project.
- Given one scenario of counting hours of employees - write positive and negative scenarios for the same.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 2
- What are exceptions you faced and how you handle it?
- What type of framework you are using?
- Assertions?
- How to run TestNg failed test cases? without using testng-failed.xml file?
- If select tag is not there in DOM for dropdown, how to interact with that?
- Write a code to print all the file names in one folder.
- Given an array of duplicates return an array with duplicate number’s indices.
- Write a code to check if string is balanced - s = “()(){{}}[()}"
- Tell me positive and negative scenarios for a shopping cart.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 3
- Asked about day to day work at current project.
- Framework.
- How current test suites look like - how you do execution -> how you are doing analysis?
- What is good about current organization? Then why you want to leave?
- Some more behavioral questions.
- Given a string in form of IP - return True if it's a valid IP. -- write a code for this.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.