Round 1 - Online Assessment (OA)
- The assessment lasted for 90 minutes and included 3 questions:
- 1 easy and 2 medium LeetCode-type questions.
- There were no test cases provided; candidates had to code and check against their own custom test cases and find edge cases before submission.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 1 - Technical Interview
- Introduction: Discussed passion and extracurricular activities.
- Core subjects:
- Diamond inheritance in C++.
- Types of Joins in SQL.
- Virtual Constructor concept.
- SQL Query: Finding the second largest element in a table.
- Coding Questions:
- Longest Palindromic Subsequence (LCS variation): Given a string, reverse it and find LCS.
- Follow-up: Find the second largest palindromic subsequence.
- Another DP question on array partition.
Candidate's Approach
The candidate explained the optimal approach for the Longest Palindromic Subsequence but took time to solve the second largest palindromic subsequence, asking for hints. The DP question on array partition was solved successfully.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 2 - Technical Interview
- Basic coding questions:
- Detecting Cycle in a Linked List (Hare and Tortoise method).
- Implementing Stack using Queue.
- System Design:
- Designing a high-level Flipkart-type app with specified features.
- Created API call flow diagrams and database schema with foreign key references.
- Normalization of the database with guidance.
- A SQL query based on the created tables.
Candidate's Approach
The candidate designed the app and created the necessary diagrams and schema but could not complete the normalization exactly as expected.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
HR Round
- Discussion on projects from the resume, including purpose and technical details.
- Casual questions such as CR7 vs Messi, family background, and personal interests.
- Situational question: “What would you do if you received ₹10 crore today?”.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
The candidate noted that reaching the HR round typically indicates selection, as everyone who reached this stage was selected.
Preparation Tips:
- Practice LeetCode (Striver Sheet) for DP, Strings, and Array problems.
- Revise OOPS, DBMS, and SQL queries.
- Learn basic System Design (API design, Database Normalization).
- Mention only the technologies you are confident in on your resume.
Overall, it was a well-structured process, testing DSA, Core CS, and System Design skills.