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Hashedin By Deloitte SDE - I campus hiring experience

Round 1 - Online Assessment (OA)


Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 1 - Technical Interview


Candidate's Approach

The candidate explained the optimal approach for the Longest Palindromic Subsequence but took time to solve the second largest palindromic subsequence, asking for hints. The DP question on array partition was solved successfully.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2 - Technical Interview


Candidate's Approach

The candidate designed the app and created the necessary diagrams and schema but could not complete the normalization exactly as expected.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

HR Round


Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

The candidate noted that reaching the HR round typically indicates selection, as everyone who reached this stage was selected.

Preparation Tips:

Overall, it was a well-structured process, testing DSA, Core CS, and System Design skills.