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AWS | SDE 2 | USA (Rejected)

Round 1


Candidate's Approach

Wrote the classes in approximately 10 minutes. Implemented the code to retrieve the package by user input, which took a couple more minutes. The interviewer acknowledged that the code was correct and engaged in an off-topic conversation afterward.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2


Candidate's Approach

Wrote the solution for Jump Game II in about 5 minutes. For Jump Game IV, took 10 minutes to develop the solution. Initially did not recognize the DFS aspect but acknowledged it upon prompting.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 3


Candidate's Approach

Implemented the solution using prefix and suffix arrays in 10 minutes. When prompted about optimization, proposed a two-pointer solution, which was almost complete when the interviewer decided to conclude the round.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 4


Candidate's Approach

Started with database design but was redirected by the interviewer. Asked many clarifying questions, but received vague responses. Drew a diagram and explained the design despite the interviewer's confusing behavior.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

I received an email 3 days later stating that I was rejected and that my cool-off period is 1 year. I inquired if I only failed the System Design round and requested detailed feedback, but received no response.