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2342. Max Sum of a Pair With Equal Sum of Digits

Round 1

Questions: Understanding the Problem:

  1. We need to find two indices (i, j) such that:
    • i ≠ j
    • The sum of digits of nums[i] is equal to the sum of digits of nums[j]
    • Their sum nums[i] + nums[j] is maximized
  2. If no such pair exists, return -1.

Optimized Approach: HashMap (Dictionary)

  1. Compute the sum of digits for each number:
    • Store the largest number seen so far for each digit sum in a dictionary digit_sum_map.
  2. Iterate through nums, updating the dictionary:
    • If a number with the same digit sum is already in the map, compute nums[i] + max_so_far and update max_sum.
    • Update digit_sum_map[digit_sum] with the maximum value.

Python Implementation

class Solution(object): def maximumSum(self, nums): """ :type nums: List[int] :rtype: int """ def sum_of_digits(n): return sum(int(d) for d in str(n)) # Compute digit sum digit_sum_map = {} # {digit_sum: max_number_with_that_sum} max_sum = -1 for num in nums: digit_sum = sum_of_digits(num) if digit_sum in digit_sum_map: max_sum = max(max_sum, num + digit_sum_map[digit_sum]) # Update max sum digit_sum_map[digit_sum] = max(digit_sum_map.get(digit_sum, 0), num) # Keep max num return max_sum

Complexity Analysis

  1. Time Complexity: O(n)

    • Computing sum of digits: O(log M) (where M is max value 10^9, at most 9 iterations)
    • Looping through nums: O(n)
    • Overall Complexity: O(n)
  2. Space Complexity: O(n) (for dictionary storing at most n entries)

Candidate's Approach

The candidate outlined a clear approach using a HashMap to store the maximum number for each digit sum. They computed the sum of digits for each number and updated the maximum sum whenever a matching digit sum was found. The implementation was efficient, with a focus on both time and space complexity.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer appreciated the candidate's structured approach and clear explanation of the problem. They noted that the implementation was efficient and well thought out, particularly the use of a dictionary to track maximum values.