Round 1: Coding & Design
- Random pick with weight
- Leetcode Discussion
- City Generator
- Valid Word Abbreviation
Candidate's Approach
Was able to solve all coding questions within the time frame. One question was not optimal in terms of space. For the design question, the candidate frequently asked the interviewer if they had questions and answered them. The interviewer dug into API parameters and the flow of the system.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Round 2: Behavioral
- Most proud project
- Learned something new
- Conflict with coworker
- Act quick to something
- Follow-up questions for all behavioral questions:
- What did you learn?
- What would you do differently?
Candidate's Approach
The behavioral round felt more like answering a list of questions rather than a conversation. The candidate was able to answer all questions (having prepared for Amazon leadership last month) but stumbled on one question. They felt they wanted to elaborate on their answer but were asked follow-up questions instead, signaling that the interviewer wasn't listening.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.