Phone Screen
- Implement MagicMap's following methods, where k is string and v is int:
put(k, v)
, which changes all the values of the dictionary to v
- Count the number of monotonic stacks (both increasing and decreasing) in a given array of nums.
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
System Design: Design Leetcode
- Next Permutation
- Range Sum
- Merge 3 sorted arrays, variant of Merge Sorted Array
- Find valley or plain (3 ints where the middle int is less than its neighbors or all 3 are the same value), variant of Find Peak Element
- Tell me a time you...
- took initiative
- had pushback on your design
- had a conflict with a difficult coworker (it's okay if you don't have one)
- had to deal with ambiguous requirements. Follow up: did you need to take any risks?
- you learned something by following another person's example
- Tell me about an area you want to grow in, and what steps you have taken to achieve it.
- Tell me a time you...
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.