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Super AGI | SDE3(Backend) | Bengaluru(Remote) | Jan 2025 [Rejected]

Round 1: Machine Coding Round

Questions: You need to design and implement a logger library that applications can use to log messages to a sink.

  1. Message:

    • A message has the following attributes:
      • Content: A string representing the actual log message.
      • Level: The severity level of the message.
      • Sink: The destination (like file, database, console, etc.) where the message is logged.
      • Namespace: Identifies the part of the application that sent the message.
  2. Sink:

    • A sink is the destination for logging messages.
    • A sink is:
      • Tied to one or more message levels (e.g., ERROR, DEBUG).
      • Shared: Multiple message levels can use the same sink.
  3. Logger Library Requirements:

    • Setup:
      • Requires configuration during sink setup.
      • Accepts messages from clients (applications).
      • Routes messages to the appropriate sink based on message levels.
      • Supports the following message levels in order of priority: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG.
      • Allows configuration to log messages above a certain level: Example: If the logging level is configured as INFO, only WARN, INFO, and DEBUG messages will be logged.
      • Enriches messages with additional information (like timestamps) before sending to the sink.
  4. Sending Messages:

    • Message level determines the sink:
      • You don't need to specify the sink when sending a message; it’s tied to the level.
      • Input required:
        • Message content.
        • Level.
        • Namespace.
  5. Logger Configuration:

    • Purpose:
      • Defines all the details required to use the logger library.
      • Allows configuration of one or more sinks for an application.
      • Associates each message level with a specific sink.
    • Implementation:
      • Can be considered as key-value pairs for configuration.
      • Example Configuration Details:
        • Time format (e.g., ISO 8601).
        • Logging level (e.g., INFO, WARN).
        • Sink type (e.g., file, console, database).
        • Details required for the sink (e.g., file location).

Example: Configuration Example:

Key Functionalities:

  1. Sink Setup:
    • Associate sinks with message levels during configuration.
  2. Message Routing:
    • Route messages based on their level to the appropriate sink.
  3. Log Enrichment:
    • Add metadata (e.g., timestamps, namespace) to messages automatically.
  4. Priority-Based Filtering:
    • Log only messages above the configured logging level.
Candidate's Approach

Implemented the required functionalities in Java and shared code in zip format with the interviewer.

Interviewer's Feedback

Tried to clear doubts with the interviewer but they couldn't explain the problem or resolve doubts clearly, as they were busy in parallel calls. Never heard back from HR.