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Salesforce | SMTS | Offer | Interview Experience

Round 1: Online Assessment


  1. Given two strings s1 and s2, find the length of the longest string s3, such that s3 is a subsequence of s1 and substring of s2.
  2. Specific question not provided, but it required a combination of hash map and priority queue to solve the problem.
Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2: Coding


  1. Given a list of directed edges [ui, vi] and a list of queries [ai, bi], return a list of integers, where each element is the number of hops to reach from ai to bi.
  2. Given two strings s1 and s2, which contain alphabets and # (where # indicates a backspace), return true if s1 = s2 after applying all backspaces, false otherwise.
Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 3: Low-Level Design (LLD)


Candidate's Approach
  • Came up with the low-level class structure, which included factory, strategy, and singleton patterns as applicable.
  • Discussed the database schema of the entities we would store.
  • Addressed concurrency control:
    1. Concurrency control when there are multiple threads.
    2. Concurrency control if the application is distributed and using a central database.
  • Explained available options and reasoned choices, ensuring the interviewer had no open questions.
Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 4: Manager Round


  1. Given you worked at two big corporations, Amazon and Microsoft, what is the major difference in the two that you have learnt?
  2. What is the problem you liked from your previous rounds?
  3. Given what you have earlier quoted (customer obsession vs Robustness), how should we modify our application along these two lines, what tradeoffs do we make, and why?
  4. What would be important for you, your customer, or the customer's customer?
  5. Different failure handling and detection mechanisms.
  6. Describe an instance in your career where you knew nothing about a system but had to debug a high severity incident, what were the steps taken?
  7. Simulate two cases:
    • There is an upcoming launch and we discover something is broken, the other team owns it. Walk me through the process of error discovery, identifying the right owner, and fixing the issue before the big launch tomorrow.
    • If we have to co-develop an app with help from a partner team, what are the things you'd do to ensure faster delivery?
Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer gave a positive signal and mentioned it was a very nice interaction.