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BinaryTree FAANG Questions

Round 1


  1. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal - [LeetCode = 102]
  2. Average of Levels in Binary Tree - LC 637
  3. Level Order Successor of a Node - Google
  4. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal - LC 103
  5. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II - LC 107
  6. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node - LC 116 - Amazon, London
  7. Binary Tree Right Side View - LC 199 - Amazon, Flipkart
  8. Cousins in Binary Tree - LC 993
  9. Symmetric Tree - LC 101 - Amazon, Google, Apple
  10. Diameter of Binary Tree - LC 543 - Google, Amazon, Facebook
  11. Invert Binary Tree - LC 226 - Google (Many Times)
  12. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree - LC 104 - Google
  13. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree - LC 108
  14. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List - LC 114 - Facebook
  15. Validate Binary Search Tree - LC 98 - Amazon, Google
  16. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree - LC 236 - Amazon
  17. Kth Smallest Element in a BST - LC 230 - Facebook, Amazon, Google
  18. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal - LC 105 - Amazon (Many Times)
  19. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree - LC 297 - Google, Facebook, Amazon
  20. Path Sum - LC 112 - Amazon
  21. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers - LC 129 - Microsoft, Apple, Google
  22. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum - LC 124 - Facebook
  23. Path Exists in Binary Tree from Root to Leaf
  24. Path Exists in Binary Tree at Any Nodes - DFS Using Stack
Candidate's Approach

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Interviewer's Feedback

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Round 2

Questions: If you want to test your problem-solving skills:

Candidate's Approach

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Interviewer's Feedback

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Round 3

Questions: Amazon-specific order (test yourself here):

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

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Round 4

Questions: Google-specific order (test yourself here):

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

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