Phone Screen
- 1-D Candy Crush: Implement a solution for candy crush in a 1-D array.
- Implemented O(n^2) time complexity solution.
- Was asked how I could optimize using some data structure.
- Correctly identified that a stack can be used.
- Binary Tree Right Side View: Leetcode Problem
Candidate's Approach
Implemented a solution for the 1-D candy crush problem with O(n^2) time complexity and identified the use of a stack for optimization.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.
Virtual Onsite
System Design:
- Design a system like Netflix that allows watching/streaming a video and also resuming a video on another device.
- Was asked how I would handle concurrency (possible race conditions if streaming from multiple devices at the same time).
- Was asked what cache invalidation technique I would use.
- Was asked how I can distribute a new video quickly in the system.
Coding 1:
- Valid Palindrome II: Leetcode Problem
- Max Consecutive Ones III: Leetcode Problem
- Got one follow-up question about partial values.
- "Tell me about a constructive feedback you received from your manager."
- "Tell me about a difficult working relationship you had."
- "Tell me about a time you disagreed with a colleague but later found out that you were wrong."
- And more.
Coding 2:
- Merge 3 Sorted Lists Without Keeping Duplicates.
- Find Peak Element: Leetcode Problem
- The differences: find an element which is less or equal to its neighbors; nums[i] can be equal to nums[i+1].
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
No feedback provided.