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find index with maximum distance between two occupied seats |Amazon

Round 1

Questions: Find the index where a bit should be set such that the minimum distance to the nearest set bit (1) is maximized.

import java.util.*; class MaximizeDistance { public static int maxDistSeatIndex(int[] seats) { int n = seats.length; int maxDistance = 0; int bestSeat = -1; int lastOccupied = -1; int[] rightOccupied = new int[n]; // First pass: Fill rightOccupied array with nearest occupied seat to the right for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (seats[i] == 1) { lastOccupied = i; } rightOccupied[i] = lastOccupied; } lastOccupied = -1; // Second pass: Find the best seat to flip to 1 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (seats[i] == 1) { lastOccupied = i; } else { // Distance from the nearest left and right occupied seat int leftDist = (lastOccupied == -1) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : i - lastOccupied; int rightDist = (rightOccupied[i] == -1) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : rightOccupied[i] - i; int minDist = Math.min(leftDist, rightDist); // Take the min of left and right distances if (minDist > maxDistance) { maxDistance = minDist; bestSeat = i; } } } return bestSeat; // Return the index to flip } public static void main(String[] args) { int[] seats = {1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}; //6 int[] seats={1,0,0,0};//3 int[] seats={0,0,0,1};//0 System.out.println(maxDistSeatIndex(seats)); } }
Candidate's Approach

The candidate implemented a solution using two passes over the input array. In the first pass, they created an array to track the nearest occupied seat to the right for each position. In the second pass, they calculated the minimum distance to the nearest occupied seat on both sides for each empty seat and updated the maximum distance and best seat index accordingly.

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