Round 1
Problem 1: Easy
Problem 2:
Code: TLE 9/14 passed
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Function to generate all super bit strings from an integer bit representation void generateSuperBitStrings(int bitString, unordered_set<int> &uniqueStrings) { uniqueStrings.insert(bitString); // Insert original bit string int mask = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) { // Generate bit mask with all 1s in 'n' bits if (!(bitString & (1 << i))) { // Check if bit i is 0 mask |= (1 << i); } } // Generate all possible super bit strings using the mask int numFlips = __builtin_popcount(mask); // Count zeros (possible flips) int totalSubsets = 1 << numFlips; // 2^numFlips possible bit flips vector<int> zeroPositions; for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) { if (mask & (1 << i)) zeroPositions.push_back(i); } for (int subset = 1; subset < totalSubsets; subset++) { int newBitString = bitString; for (int j = 0; j < zeroPositions.size(); j++) { if (subset & (1 << j)) { newBitString |= (1 << zeroPositions[j]); // Flip 0 to 1 } } uniqueStrings.insert(newBitString); } } // Main function to compute the number of unique super bit strings int superBitstrings(int n, vector<int> &bitStrings) { unordered_set<int> uniqueSuperBitStrings; // Use unordered_set for O(1) insert & lookup for (int num : bitStrings) { generateSuperBitStrings(num, uniqueSuperBitStrings); } return uniqueSuperBitStrings.size(); } // Driver function int main() { int n = 18; // Bit length vector<int> bitStrings = {10, 26, 262143}; // Example input cout << "Total unique super bit strings: " << superBitstrings(n, bitStrings) << endl; return 0; }
Problem 3:
Code: Accepted
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Structure to store call details struct Call { int start, end, volume; }; // Binary search function to find the last non-overlapping call int findLastNonOverlapping(vector<Call>& calls, int index) { int low = 0, high = index - 1, result = -1; while (low <= high) { int mid = (low + high) / 2; if (calls[mid].end < calls[index].start) { result = mid; low = mid + 1; // Look for a later valid call } else { high = mid - 1; } } return result; } // Function to calculate the maximum possible order volume int phoneCalls(vector<int> start, vector<int> duration, vector<int> volume) { int n = start.size(); vector<Call> calls(n); // Step 1: Store and sort calls by end time for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { calls[i] = {start[i], start[i] + duration[i], volume[i]}; } sort(calls.begin(), calls.end(), [](Call a, Call b) { return a.end < b.end; }); // Step 2: Dynamic Programming vector<int> dp(n, 0); dp[0] = calls[0].volume; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { // Include current call int include = calls[i].volume; int lastNonOverlap = findLastNonOverlapping(calls, i); if (lastNonOverlap != -1) { include += dp[lastNonOverlap]; } // Exclude current call int exclude = dp[i - 1]; // Take the maximum value dp[i] = max(include, exclude); } return dp[n - 1]; } // Driver function int main() { vector<int> start = {10, 5, 15, 18, 30}; vector<int> duration = {30, 12, 20, 35, 35}; vector<int> volume = {50, 51, 20, 25, 10}; cout << "Maximum Order Volume: " << phoneCalls(start, duration, volume) << endl; return 0; }
Candidate's Approach
- For Problem 1, the candidate attempted to generate all unique super bit strings but faced a Time Limit Exceeded (TLE) issue, passing only 9 out of 14 test cases.
- For Problem 2, the candidate successfully implemented a dynamic programming solution to calculate the maximum order volume from phone calls, which was accepted.
Interviewer's Feedback
- The interviewer noted the TLE issue in Problem 1 and suggested optimizing the bit manipulation logic.
- The solution for Problem 2 was praised for its clarity and efficiency.