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Amazon SDE 1 Virtual Onsite Interview (Given NP-Hard problem)

Round 1


Candidate's Approach

The candidate felt they provided good answers to the LP questions and wrote a decent amount of code for the API function. They spent considerable time discussing edge cases and user design considerations.

Interviewer's Feedback

The hiring manager seemed happy with the candidate's answers and expressed enthusiasm about discussing their role further if the candidate joined Amazon.

Round 2


Candidate's Approach

The candidate recognized the problem as a variant of the NP-Hard traveling salesman problem. They initially suggested a backtracking brute force approach to try all possible paths. Eventually, they implemented an O(n!) permutations backtracking solution as suggested by the interviewer.

Interviewer's Feedback

The interviewer seemed to want a more efficient solution than the brute force approach that the candidate implemented.

Round 3


Candidate's Approach

The candidate successfully solved the tree problem and traced through a dry run with the interviewer, who was happy with the solution.

Interviewer's Feedback

The SDE 2 interviewer had a good rapport with the candidate and seemed pleased with the candidate's performance during this round.