- Max Consecutive Ones III
- Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
Passed with minor feedback on edge cases and follow-up.
Round 1: Coding
- A top 50 Leetcode array question
- A top 10 Leetcode string question
Candidate's Approach
Optimal solution, clean code, well-thought-out test cases, completed well ahead of time, and had a great discussion at the end.
Interviewer's Feedback
Strong Hire.
Round 2: Coding
- Medium-level array problem (not found on Leetcode or Google)
- Medium-Hard grid problem (not found on Leetcode or Google) requiring Binary Search + DFS/BFS
Candidate's Approach
Small bug in the first problem, fixed after a hint; initially missed Binary Search but quickly identified and implemented after a hint; reasonably clean code.
Interviewer's Feedback
Weak Hire.
Round 3: Product Architecture
- A standard question but with very specific constraints
Candidate's Approach
Good solution and discussion, missed one important DB column but quickly fixed it when challenged with a scenario.
Interviewer's Feedback
Hire/Weak Hire.
Round 4: Behavioral
- Went really well
Candidate's Approach
No approach provided.
Interviewer's Feedback
Strong Hire.
Overall Expectation: E5 offer/ E4 downgrade