🚀 Amazon Online Assessment | Lexicographically Largest Array (LeetCode / HackerRank)
Round 1
Questions: You are given an array arr of size n containing positive integers and a binary string state of length n. The state[i] = '1' indicates that the element at index i is initially available for selection, while state[i] = '0' means it is locked.
You need to select exactly m elements from the array. The selection process follows these rules:
- At each step, select the largest available element (if multiple elements have the same value, select the one with the highest index).
- After selecting an element from index i, unlock its adjacent locked elements (i-1 and i+1) if they exist.
- The process continues until m elements are selected.
The output should be the lexicographically largest sequence of selected elements.
Function Signature:
public static List<Integer> generateNewArray(List<Integer> arr, String state, int m){ }
Example 1 Input:
arr = [10, 5, 7, 6]; state = "0101"; m = 2;
[6, 7]
Explanation: Initially available elements: {6} (from state[3] = '1'). Select 6, unlocking state[2] → {6} → {7}. Select 7. We have selected m = 2 elements.
Example 2 Input:
arr = [4, 9, 1, 2, 10]; state = "10010"; m = 4;
[4, 9, 10, 10]
Explanation: Initially available: {4, 10}. Select 4, unlocking state[1] → {4} → {9}. Select 9, unlocking state[2] → {9} → {1}. Select 10, unlocking state[3] → {10} → {2}. Select 10 again.
Candidate's Approach
Use a max-heap (priority queue) to always pick the largest available element.
- Store elements in the form (value, index) in the heap.
- Process m selections:
- Extract the largest available element.
- Unlock adjacent locked elements and add them to the heap.
- Reinsert the selected element since it can be picked again.
Time Complexity:
- Heap operations: O(log n).
- Total operations: O(m log n), which is efficient for n ≤ 10^5.
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