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ShareChat SDE-1 Interview Experience | Offer Received 🎯 | DSA + LLD + HLD πŸš€

Initial Outreach & Online Assessment (OA)


  1. Sliding Window problem (Easy-Medium)
  2. Binary Search problem (Easy-Medium)
  3. N-ary Tree DP problem (Slightly harder)

Round 1: Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA) – Coding Round



  1. Meeting Rooms – Solved using Line Sweep Algorithm (Sweep Line Method).
  2. Generate Valid Parentheses – Used an unconventional approach with bitmasking, where I generated all subsets of a bitmask and validated each one.
Candidate's Approach
  • For the Meeting Rooms problem, I implemented the Line Sweep Algorithm to efficiently determine if a meeting can be scheduled without conflicts.
  • For the Generate Valid Parentheses problem, I utilized bitmasking to generate all possible combinations of parentheses and validated each combination to ensure it was valid.
Interviewer's Feedback

Positive feedback was received, and I was moved to the next round.

Round 2: System Design (LLD) – Taken by a Technical Lead



Design Splitwise (Expense-sharing app).

Candidate's Approach
  • I designed an extensible architecture for the Splitwise application.
  • I effectively explained my design choices and trade-offs during the interview.
  • I identified and suggested a better design during the discussion, showcasing my critical thinking skills.
Interviewer's Feedback

The feedback was positive, and I was informed by HR the same evening that I moved on to the Hiring Manager round.

Round 3: Hiring Manager (HM) – High-Level Design (HLD) + Discussion



Design a Coupon Service for an E-commerce Platform.

Candidate's Approach
  • I clarified requirements effectively before starting the design.
  • I designed REST APIs and the database schema for the coupon service.
  • I discussed scalability, optimizations, and trade-offs during the design process.
Interviewer's Feedback

The experience was good, and the feedback was positive.

Offer & Final Thoughts

Outcome: Received the offer within a day after the HM round!

What I liked about the process:

Final Tips for Future Candidates:

  1. Brush up on DSA topics like sliding window, binary search, and DP on trees.
  2. Practice LLD problems (Splitwise, Parking Lot, etc.) and focus on writing clean, modular code.
  3. Be prepared for HLD discussions – focus on APIs, DB schema, scalability considerations.
  4. Communication matters! Even if you can’t finish the code, explaining your thought process and trade-offs can still get you through.