Phone Screen (DSA - 45 minutes)
- Problem: Similar to Leetcode 142 - Linked List Cycle II
- Solved using slow and fast pointer approach.
- Discussed time and space complexity.
- Had to discuss and prove the mathematical feasibility of the solution presented.
Candidate's Approach
The candidate used the slow and fast pointer technique to detect the cycle in the linked list. They discussed the time complexity of O(n) and space complexity of O(1), proving the solution's feasibility mathematically.
Interviewer's Feedback
The interviewer seemed very satisfied with the solution provided.
Round 1: Technical Round 1 (DSA - 45 minutes)
- Problem 1: Similar to Leetcode LRU Cache
- Implemented using HashMap + Doubly Linked List.
- Discussed optimizations and edge cases.
- Problem 2: Similar to Leetcode Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
- Faced challenges due to time constraints and ran out of time.
Candidate's Approach
The candidate implemented the LRU Cache using a combination of HashMap and Doubly Linked List, discussing various optimizations. For the second problem, they attempted to jump directly to the optimal approach but struggled with time management.
Interviewer's Feedback
Verdict: Lean No Hire
Round 2: Technical Round 2 (DSA - 45 minutes)
- Problem: Similar to Leetcode Cheapest Flights Within K Stops
- Solved using Dijkstra's Algorithm.
- Discussed edge cases and performance optimizations.
Candidate's Approach
The candidate effectively applied Dijkstra's Algorithm to solve the problem, discussing edge cases and performance optimizations while writing test cases and dry running the code.
Interviewer's Feedback
Verdict: Hire
Round 3: Technical Round 3 (DSA - 45 minutes)
- Problem 1: Similar to Leetcode Alien Dictionary
- Solved using Topological Sort with BFS.
- Problem 2: Similar to Leetcode Simplify Path
- Solved using Stack DS.
Candidate's Approach
The candidate solved both problems using appropriate algorithms, discussing failure cases and optimizations for the first problem and effectively using a stack for the second.
Interviewer's Feedback
Verdict: Hire
Round 4: Googliness & Leadership (GnL - 45 minutes)
- Discussion on past projects, challenges, and collaboration with cross-functional teams.
- Situational questions like "Tell me about a time when you disagreed with a colleague" and "How would you handle conflicting priorities?"
- Emphasis on Google’s core values like collaboration, respect, and inclusivity.
Candidate's Approach
The candidate shared experiences from past projects, focusing on collaboration and conflict resolution, aligning with Google's core values.
Interviewer's Feedback
Verdict: Hire
Round 5: (Additional Round) Technical Round 4 (DSA - 45 minutes)
- Problem 1: Given an NxN matrix containing black holes, find the shortest path from top-left to bottom-right.
- Solved using BFS.
- Problem 2: Similar to Leetcode Search a 2D Matrix II
- Solved using Binary Search + Two Pointers Approach.
Candidate's Approach
The candidate utilized BFS for the first problem and successfully identified edge cases. For the second problem, they implemented a binary search combined with two pointers, discussing optimizations and dry running the code.
Interviewer's Feedback
Verdict: Strong Hire
Hiring Committee & Team Matching
After the onsite rounds, the recruiter informed the candidate that their performance was positive in all rounds, and their profile would be forwarded to the Hiring Committee. The committee took around 2 weeks to review the feedback and gave a Final Hire Decision. The candidate then participated in the Team Matching Process, enjoying discussions with the Google Ads team.
Final Result
After 1 week, the candidate received the Offer Letter from Google. However, they had already joined Microsoft as an SDE2 and decided not to join Google due to personal preferences regarding location and concerns about the PIP culture.