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Amazon | SDE1 | 2024 Batch | Feb 2025

Round 1


  1. Specific question not provided.
  2. Given a matrix problem: For each cell that contained a multiple of five, replace the corresponding row and column with zeros.
Candidate's Approach

The candidate used a brute force approach for the first question and successfully solved the second matrix problem.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2


  1. Given a matrix that is sorted row-wise and column-wise, search for a given element. If it is present, return its row and column index; otherwise, return [-1, -1].
  2. Given a positive integer array with repeated values, modify it in-place to remove duplicate values while maintaining the original order of the elements.
  3. Tell me about a situation when you missed a deadline.
Candidate's Approach

The candidate initially struggled with the first question but eventually came up with an efficient solution using binary search after some brainstorming. However, they made syntax errors that required multiple dry-runs. For the second question, they proposed using a HashSet to remove duplicates but overlooked the order constraint, mistakenly affirming that sets maintain order.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.