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L3 interview experience

Phone Interview

Questions: Question: Number of Ways to Build Sturdy Brick Wall

I solved the problem rather quickly and managed to write about 80% of the code. However, I couldn't fully complete it because the solution required a substantial amount of code while maintaining good coding practices.

Rating: Strong Hire

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 1

Questions: Question: A variation of this interview question.

Problem Statement: Given an integer n, return a license plate number following this pattern:


  1. 00000-99999
  2. A0000-Z9999
  3. AA000-ZZ999
  4. AAA00-ZZZ99
  5. AAAA0-ZZZZ9

Helper Functions Provided:

I initially thought I had completely bombed this interview because I got stuck multiple times. However, my recruiter later informed me that I received positive feedback across the board.

Rating: Lean Hire / Hire

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 2


  1. Gift Buying Problem
    • An uncle wants to buy gifts for his nephew. The nephew provides a list of gifts, where each gift has:
      • day: The day the gift is available for purchase
      • price: The cost of the gift on that day
    • Example:
      3 4 4 2 6 4 10 5
    • The uncle saves $1 per day and can only buy a gift on the specified day. If he skips a gift, he cannot buy it later. The goal is to determine the maximum number of gifts he can purchase.
  2. Building Occupancy Problem
    • Given security logs with timestamps for entry and exit of users, determine:
      • The maximum occupancy of the building at any given time.
      • The time at which that peak occupancy occurred.

I solved the first problem using a priority queue, even though the interviewer hinted toward a dynamic programming approach. The second problem was simple enough that I was only asked to explain the approach, not code it.

Rating: Strong Hire

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Round 3

Questions: Problem: Given a chat log file, find the top N most talkative users along with their total word count.

Example Log:

10:00 < John > Hi, How is everyone? 10:05 < Amy > Hello John 10:06 < Maria > Great, Having my morning coffee 13:00 < John > Let's meet this weekend 13:30 < Amy > Woahoo

Helper Function Provided:

Follow-up Questions:

  1. Optimize for better complexity.
  2. Implement the parseLog() function.

I initially solved the problem using a priority queue and a hashmap for counting words per user. Then, I optimized it using the QuickSelect algorithm. The final follow-up seemed like a basic algorithm check, as we still had 10 minutes left.

Rating: Strong Hire

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Googlyness Round

Questions: This round focused on behavioral questions:

  1. Tell me about a time you advocated for yourself or a teammate.
  2. Describe your ideal workplace environment.
  3. How do you consider different customer segments when developing a product?
  4. Tell me about a time you handled multiple tasks at once.

Rating: Hire / Strong Hire

Candidate's Approach

No approach provided.

Interviewer's Feedback

No feedback provided.

Final Thoughts

Overall, my experience was positive, and I was fortunate to receive strong feedback across the rounds. I hope this helps others preparing for Google interviews. Good luck!